Mahurangi Regional Park

Last updated: January 28th, 2024


On Monday, December 12th, 2022 I arrived at Sullivan's Bay campground at Mahurangi Regional Park (West). I had booked two nights at the paid campground and departed on the 14th in the morning. At the campground there is a beach and also some hikes which can be done during low tide.

Going North from the campground, following along the beach to Tugutu Point, I walked to Mita Bay as part of the Mita Bay Loop Trail. From this beach, I walked up to a high point accessed from walking alongside the road. I then walked back down to Sullivan's Bay and then to Cudlip Point, going around it to see Te Muri Beach.

When I arrived, the weather was sunny and the waves were calm. By the time I left, the wind had picked up and the waves were strong. At the campsite, I met Kiwis who told me some other places to visit and also were kind enough to give me some of their extra food. The water was warm enough to swim in.

Overall, this is a campground frequented by locals that offers quintessential views of New Zealand's North Island coast. It is important to be prepared for any kind of weather.

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