Goat Mountain, Colorado

Last updated: January 28th, 2024


On Saturday, November 14th, 2020, I hiked to the summit of Goat Mountain near Littleton, Colorado. The hike starts on Waterton Canyon Trail, which is also the trailhead of the Colorado Trail. Once you get under pipes, the trail starts on the right and continues steep terrain for a 7.2 mile class 2 round trip. With some stops for photos, the hike took me 4 hours 45 minutes roundtrip.

During the hike, the weather changed from sun to wind to clouds to even snow at times. The trail is mostly clear except for a sections of scambling, which occurs often. There are small cactuses on this trail, so falling or using hands may end up leading to getting stuck with cactus spines. There was a lot of brush to rub up against to get through the trail so wearing a harder outer layer of clothing will help. Part of the hike goes on private land although this didn't appear to be any sort of an issue.

Overall, this hike was a bit more challenging than I expected but the summit was rewarding. Despite hiking in mid-day during a Saturday, I saw only two groups of two people. Based on not seeing their footprints in the snow, I am not sure they reached the summit. This hike is close to Denver and is a good day hike.


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