Mission Peak

Last updated: January 28th, 2024


Mission Peak is a 2,516 foot high peak in Fremont, California, operated by the East Bay Regional Park District. There are two main ways to the top of the peak, from Ohlone College and Stanford Ave. Stanford Ave. is the most popular and so the parking there is extremely limited and on a weekend day, there will be cars lined down the streets with hikers.

On Saturday, December 15th, 2018, I decided to hike from Stanford Ave. to the top of Mission Peak. I needed to park about a 10 minute walk down the road to get to the trailhead. Once on the trail, it was a consistent incline to the top. The hike took me about 1 hour 15 minutes to complete, with stops only to take a few photos along the way. Once at the top, the view was amazing.

At the top Mission Peak is a pole which people climb to take photos. It is so popular that there can be a line of several minutes to take a photo. It has been said that under this pole is a time capsule.

Overall, Mission Peak offers a steady incline, rewarding hikers with an amazing view. The hike is extremely popular however, there are easily hundreds of people hiking this peak on the weekend.

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Tagged: California, Hiking, USA

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