Tagged "California"

Dipsea Trail

Dipsea Trail

A 7+ mile hike from Mill Valley to Stinson Beach on the Dipsea Trail.

Berry Creek Falls Loop

Berry Creek Falls Loop

An 11-mile hike on Berry Creek Falls Loop in Big Basin Redwoods State Park to Berry Creek Falls, Silver Falls and Golden Cascades.

Mono Lake

Mono Lake

Hiking around the north and south sections of Mono Lake before a storm rolled in.

Tagged: California, Lakes, USA

Convict Lake

Convict Lake

A 2.5 mile loop hike around Convict Lake, a popular fishing and boating lake near Mammoth Lakes.

Tagged: California, Lakes, USA

Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest

Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest

A hike through the Methuselah and Discovery trails in California's Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest.

Tagged: California, Forest, Trees, USA

Half Dome

Half Dome

Hiking to the top of Half Dome from Mist Trail to the Cable Route and back down John Muir Trail.

Lost Coast Trail: Mattole to Black Sands Beach

Lost Coast Trail: Mattole to Black Sands Beach

A 3-day, solo trek over 24.6-miles through the Northern section of the Lost Coast Trail, from Mattole to Black Sands Beach.

Fern Canyon

Fern Canyon

An 11-mile round-trip hike through Fern Canyon in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California from the Visitor Center to the beach.

Tagged: California, Ferns, USA

Avenue of the Giants

Avenue of the Giants

A stop along Avenue of the Giants in Northern California to a grove which had redwood trees, ferns and a path to a river.

Tagged: California, Redwoods, USA

Shark Fin Cove

Shark Fin Cove

Visiting Shark Fin Cove in Davenport, California near sunset.

Tagged: Beaches, California, Cove, USA